Liquidity Pools

HeartCoin Liquidity Pool consists of the following:

However, the distribution ratio of HTC in each liquidity pool for liquidity supply may change depending on the expansion of the ecosystem.

We are currently working on expanding our support to other blockchain networks, starting with Polygon and Arbitrum, in order to increase liquidity pools.

*This section is under development*

Add liquidity on Uniswap and visit => My Page, where you need to redeposit LP tokens to be eligible for any additional supplementary HTC airdrops.

Users who provide liquidity are referred to as Liquidity Providers (LP). When you supply liquidity to a pool on UniSwap, LP tokens are generated as evidence, and these tokens are deposited into the pair through staking.

During the liquidity addition period, users receive compensation in the form of LP tokens and fees through staking as rewards for contributing to the liquidity pool.

Last updated